Prepare A Project

In Dr.Opt, a parameter optimization task is called a project. Before starting a new project, user needs to prepare a project folder containing all necessary files. Here we will brief how it is done.

Folder Structure

The following diagram depicts the minimal structure of a project folder:

├── config.json
  • A Python file for the model to be tuned

  • config.json: A JSON file describing the configuration of the project

Note that the names of both files are customizable.

The Python file should contain the following function:

def run(params):

    return metric
  • The input params represents the hyper-parameter configuration for the model.

  • The output metric measures the performance, such as accuracy or latency, of the model.

Here is an example how run should work:

>>> from mymodel import run
>>> params = {
...     "max_depth": 10,
...     "gamma": 0.25,
...     "alpha": 0.5,
...     "learning_rate": 0.001,
...     "subsample": 0.75,
...     "colsample": 0.75
... }
>>> run(params)


We consider an example config file:

    "config": {
        "experimentName": "titanic-xgboost",
        "maxExecDuration": "1h",
        "maxTrialNum": 10,
        "parentProject": "None",
        "model": "model",
        "updatePeriod": 60,
        "tuner": {
            "builtinTunerName": "TPE",
            "classArgs": {"optimize_mode": "maximize"}

    "params": {
        "booster": "gbtree",
        "verbosity": 0,
        "base_score": 0.5,
        "colsample_bylevel": 1,
        "n_estimators": 50,
        "objective": "binary:logistic",
        "max_depth": 5,
        "gamma": 0.2,
        "subsample": 0.8,
        "colsample-bytree": 0.8,
        "lambda": 1,
        "alpha": 0.25,
        "eta": 0.01,
        "min_child_weight": 1.0

    "search_space": {
        "max_depth": {"_type": "randint", "_value": [1, 5]},
        "gamma": {"_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.1, 1.0]},
        "subsample": {"_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.1, 1.0]},
        "colsample_bytree": {"_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.1, 1.0]},
        "alpha": {"_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.1, 1.0]},
        "eta": {"_type": "uniform", "_value": [0.1, 1.0]}

Three main sections should be included in the JSON file:


This section contains config options of the project, which includes:

experimentName (string)
  • Name of the project, which will be shown on the Dr.Opt webpage

maxTrialNum (number/integer)
  • The maximum number of trials of this project

maxExecDuration (number/integer)
  • The expected maximal execution time of the project in hour (default: 12 hrs)

  • If the experiment time exceeds the maxExecDuration, the project state will change to “finish” and inpcomplete suggestions will be discarded.

parentProject (string)
  • The parent project of the current one

  • (Coming in the future) The newly created project can inherent the properties of the parentProject

  • Just set to None for now

model (string)
  • The Python file of the model to be tuned (without file extension)

mode (string)
  • The optimization mode of the project. It can be max (default) or min.

updatePeriod (number/integer)
  • The update period of the webpage (in second)

tuner (object)
  • parameter search algorithm

  • See page Advisor for detail


This section consists of default hyper-parameter of the model. Its format should conincide with that of input of run (see section


This section describes the search space. Please read page Search Space for detail.